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Thread: Old men

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by CJCulpeper View Post
    No cancer. Ya can't escape genetics.
    Unfortunately we all have cancer cells. We just don't all get the progressive growth of cancer cells. Just like auto accidents, you can't rule it out.

  2. Default

    Perhaps not but life threatening cancers does not run in the family. I agree with you I can not rule it out but based on my folks, grandparents, and great grandparents I look to having heart attacks or strokes in my eighties.

    Until then pass the likkor jug and the ammunition and show me the way to the women.
    Last edited by CJCulpeper; 02-17-2019 at 12:35.
    1."If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things." - Rene Descartes
    2. "The Right to Buy Weapons is the Right to be Free" From The Weapon Shop by A. E. van Vogt

  3. #23
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    Pittsburgh, PA


    Quote Originally Posted by John Peeff View Post
    I"ve had kidney stones twice, the pain was unbearable, morphine was the only thing that stopped me from killing myself!
    Does anyone remember a method of dissolving kidney stones using shock waves? You’d sit in a tank filled with water and shock waves would be administered that were harmless to bones and tissue but would pulverize the kidney stones and turn the color of urine to a dark brown.

  4. #24
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    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by Merc View Post
    Does anyone remember a method of dissolving kidney stones using shock waves? You’d sit in a tank filled with water and shock waves would be administered that were harmless to bones and tissue but would pulverize the kidney stones and turn the color of urine to a dark brown.
    You don't hear much about it anymore. I've always heard that you can't have this procedure if you've ever had a broken bone. The repaired bone is sometimes stronger than before but the deposits are more brittle and thus can come apart with the ultrasound, so I'm told. This is perhaps broken bones only that would be submerged in the tank I guess.
    Last edited by Allen; 03-20-2019 at 04:57.

  5. #25


    i have a bad back now. its painful and slows me down

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc View Post
    Does anyone remember a method of dissolving kidney stones using shock waves? You’d sit in a tank filled with water and shock waves would be administered that were harmless to bones and tissue but would pulverize the kidney stones and turn the color of urine to a dark brown.
    lipsotrypsy, or something spelled similar

    my mother has had it done several times,

    I am fortunate enough, I guess, to pass all mine,,

  7. #27
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    Pacific North west & Lake Havasu City, AZ.


    Had kidney stones some years ago. This was the worst pain that l had ever experienced! They sent me to the hospital and they strapped a machine to my side and cranked it up. It broke up the stones with some sort of shock waves so that l was able to pass it. It was like pissing shards of glass. It sliced and diced on the way out and a pissed blood for a few days. They had to put a stint in where the stone was lodged because it chewed up that spot. The stint kept the healing from causing scar tissue and partial blockage. They did put me out for this procedure and l was pleased at the results.

  8. #28


    I know someone who has the sound treatment for stones just a few years ago, so they are still using it in some places.

    I went through some serious bouts with kidney stones myself so I know the pain involved. Fever, burning guts, excruciating backache, nausea, and the constant urge for movements as the body wants to purge what ails it. It does indeed feel as though death is knocking.
    So long as the stones show some movement the hospital won't do anything except ring up larger bills as you wait.
    I discovered if I kept on drinking water while pacing I could eventually shoot out the bullet. That is painful in itself but what a wave of relief when it happens.
    Years ago it was suggested that a little bit of citrus everyday would keep the dust from collecting into rocks. A squeeze of lime into soda or water is just enough to keep the kidneys in order. So far so good..but for passing some dust in the earlier days.
    I'm told there are three types of stones depending upon the minerals we injest. The citrus is said to work on the two most common. Calcium.... I can't recall which of the other two at the moment. It's been working well for me.

    As an aside, pain management studies have shown that men passing stones are often much more painful than childbirth. So the next time a woman tries to put you down with that age old adage... Fire back.

    ***Reminded of an old joke between men, women, childbirth, and stones. You will never hear a man say, "Gee, I'd like to have another kidney stone someday."
    Last edited by JB White; 03-21-2019 at 07:54.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  9. Default

    I went on a lemon juice regimen for calcium stones. Had to quit that when we discovered it was eroding my teeth. The acid.

  10. #30
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    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by SwampRatt View Post
    I went on a lemon juice regimen for calcium stones. Had to quit that when we discovered it was eroding my teeth. The acid.
    I wonder how much, how strong and how often you would need to drink the lemon juice or lemon juice mixture to aid with the kidney stones but not cause side effects like heartburn and excessive acid on the teeth.

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