Gemmuns: After 47 years, I just emailed my former MCRD DI and got a response from him! Just for giggles I did a search for him a few weeks ago. Found him living in a small town in California. One of the other guys I went into the Corps with wrote him a 5 page letter about what we (4 of us from Colorado went in on the buddy system) had all been up to. I told my friend there is no way a former DI wants to hear from his former "maggots" and discounted any response. Guess what? Not only did our DI respond, he was super friendly and filled us in on what he had been doing for the last 47 years. I was flabbergasted to say the least. Sgt. Brown asked that we keep in touch and that he had told his buddies (also some old DIs) that we had contacted him after 47 years. Everybody was surprised to say the least. I thanked him for taking all of us "men-children" and making us grow up and take responsibility for ourselves. The Marine Corps has opened a lot of doors for me all throughout my life and I am grateful. Just a cool story I thought some of you guys would be amused with. Semper Fi