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  1. Default Mornin’ from North Carolina, first post on this forum...


    I have lurked on various gun forums, and it seems that this one is the most “civil’ and knowledgeable.

    I have a WWII bring-back of my Father’s, and a sporter I built to hunt with. Both are 98k in 8mm.

    I rediscovered deer hunting in my early 40’s, and used my Dad’s rifle ‘ out there’ to hunt with. I didn’t like the occasional ding into the stock when hoisting the weapon up into the deer stand, so I built a 98k sporter out of a non-matching I got at a .gunshow.

    Dad’s gun was a WWII bring-back. It is all matching, dated 44 on the receiver, and was given to me at age 14. His P-47 sqdn landed at Gieblestadt Luftwaffe Base near the end of the war, and he told me that he and his buddies scoured the base for “collectibles” after taking possession of the base. Told me that they forced a huge lock on a heavy door, and discovered an armory, where all the pilots and mechanics helped themselves to what they wanted from it. Dad took what is now my 98K. When I cleaned the gun after receiving it, it was full of cosmoline or something similar, the rifling was pristine, and stock as well. I am certain that he never fired it after bringing it home. I never thought to ask him how he got it home after the war... and am curious now about that!

    My sporter is after-market fitted with and ATI stock, and a 3x9scope. It’s non-matching, dated 1939, and the rifling is decidedly more worn than Dad’s gun. I dropped the original furniture off, and have since sold that mil furniture to a local guy who loves the rifles. I have taken a lot of deer with this weapon, using S&B’s 196 SP, or PPU, 196 SP.

    Looking forward to getting along with you guys, and reading posts about our rifles!
    Last edited by Whitjr; 10-05-2018 at 07:51.

  2. Default

    I should add that the above “procurement story” is as relayed to me by Dad. I can’t verify anything about it for you guys, as he is buried in Arlington Nat’l Cementary since 2010.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Phoenix AZ area
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    Civil....depends on what is posted on the 2nd ammendment forum. Some there will argue with a fence post.

    You are correct on the knowledge here. If you are looking for old gun info all kinds, esp mil surps, foreign and domestic, this is the place. Go back to the early pages, past the newly posted ones. That is where much of the info resides from mil armorers for the old guns. Most have moved on or died.

    Not so much for AR types. There are other forums better suited.

    The most active forum is the political, 2nd ammendment. But if you post on one of the shooting specific forums, you will receive an answer.
    Last edited by PWC; 10-05-2018 at 09:13.

  4. #4
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    Welcome to this forum. I have been a member here for years and have enjoyed it while earning a lot. I agree with PWC about the second amendment forum.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Houston Metro


    It is my understanding that all the returning GI needed to bring back a weapon was a form filled out by their commander.
    To Error Is Human To Forgive Is Not SAC Policy

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Durand. MI.


    I believe that may have varied by the units. According to Cap. Phil Sharpe, who was a foreign weapons authority with US Ordinance Dept. in Europe, all that was needed was a form giving permission because the weapon had 'no new intelligence information useful to the U.S.'
    The forms varied and the few I have seen made no mention of this. Some C.O.'s allowed unrestricted mailing of not only weapons but other 'booty'. I am talking about unit CO's, like Company, perhaps lower. There may have been a 'standard' but it seem it was not always followed.
    You can never go home again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    South West Virginia


    What part of N.C.? I went to school in Boone and my son now goes to school in Chapel Hill.
    "In God We Trust"

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