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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Vern Humphrey View Post
    Those people would either not be allowed to enlist, or screened out afterwards. They wouldn't be honorably discharged.

    I'm talking about jihidists, of course. Communists of course, would be virtually anyone from Massachusetts, NYC and much of California.
    LOL, as if everyone from MA, CA, or NYC is some kind of leftist p*ssy. A lot of tough guys come from those places.

  2. #12


    One of the Marines of Iwo Jima, was a registeres alien, back in 012/ 13, the USMC awarded his sister his citizenship papers.

    This is a valid process for those that want to be legal, those that don't want the gravy not the responsibility.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Norhteastern PA


    No problem with non-citizens serving. I served with a South Korean, a West German, and a Filipino. All fine soldiers.
    I dream of a better world. One where chickens may cross the road without their motives being questioned.

  4. #14


    I served with non-citizens in the Navy during the 70's. I personally believe that if you serve a minimum of 6 years ACTIVE duty you should get your citizenship papers along with your Honorable discharge. Quite a few Filipinos would stay for 20 plus years and retire the go back to the Philippines and live on their retirement. At least they earned it.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    London, Ontario


    How does one determine the potential of a communist or jihadist?
    Non-citizens enlisting to gain citizenship goes back to the Roman Empire. The CF can't fill the requirements now. Nothing unusual about it though. Enlistments tend to be cyclical based on the economy. Up when jobs are scarce. Down when they are not.
    "...youth can not meet enlistment standards..." Mostly the physical ones? Or the educational requirements too? The former is caused by then being glued to chairs in front of computers. Most of those wouldn't consider enlisting anyway. The latter is too many high school drop outs.
    "Non-citizens means illegals." is nonsense.
    Spelling and grammar count!

  6. #16


    I think this is how the Roman empire declined; they got to lazy and rich to fight their own wars.
    If I should die before I wake...great,a little more sleep.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    Quote Originally Posted by dryheat View Post
    I think this is how the Roman empire declined; they got to lazy and rich to fight their own wars.
    The Roman Armies were originally militia armies -- men signed up with their helmets, swords, etc. About 100 BC they were in such a pickle they signed up men who could not afford swords and so on, so the Treasury had to buy them. When these men were discharged, they were armed, trained and battle hardened. The Roman upper classes were afraid of them, but their generals had the answer -- don't bring them back to Rome, but give them some of the land they conquered.

    Over time, Rome began enlisting not only the poor, but whole barbarian tribes -- who were even more dangerous than armed paupers. Instead of waiting for their generals to give them land, they took it.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Dallas, TX metro.. formerly Phoenix metro, AZ


    Non-citizens can serve in the US Army -- in fact, Canadians frequently tell us that more Canadians served in the US Army in Viet Nam than Canada accepted deserters and draft dodgers. My position is anyone who volunteers and meets the acceptance criteria ought to be allowed to serve, and ought to receive his citizenship along with his honorable discharge.
    I agree with Vern Humphrey. add a few tidbits to it though... such as SCREEN out the muslims. (and communists etc)
    if anybody here believes their are "moderate muslims" they need to do a google search on the PM of Turkey, Erdogan, he was asked about moderates and he said "there is no such thing, islam is islam"!! go here to read it>>
    They are NOT COMPATIBLE with the American way of life PERIOD.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    What is a "Citizen?" just someone born here or someone willing to do some type of service for the Republic? Americans, on general, have it pretty easy even the poor are better off here then in other places. I personally feel some type of personal service to the Republic be a requirement of citizenship that is inescapable, kinda like paying your dues. Serving in the military, doing a community service job, law enforcement, E.M.S./fire things in this line. I feel better knowing that I did something for my fellow citizens as I saw the results. A person becoming a teacher is bettering the community, law enforcement/fire/E.M.S./ is bettering the community. In my community we have a volunteer fire department that has many rural youth in the ranks to help where they live. Sheriff's Department has a youth division where they learn about law enforcement and later go into it as a profession. In high school our daughter mentored mentally retarded cohorts as her service and did quite well, our son was an E-5 Ranger, my wife volunteered at the school our kids went to and I worked with the mentally ill. If a person can combine a profession with their community service so much the better. @ the S.O. our radio repairman was a volunteer who's full time job was servicing radio telephone equipment for the phone company, Marty also worked part time with us at the E.M.S, where I worked/volunteered part time.

  10. Default

    The Communists and Jihadists can "walk point", be formed into shock battalions, etc. Someone's got to clear the minefields and the IEDs.

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