Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
Out today with the wife hunting for & spraying garlic mustard on the part of our property that we haven't brought under fire management. Labor of love with me lugging a backpack sprayer through the thorns and briars.

We came across a large headless deer carcass, taken last fall/winter, judging by the look and smell of it. A fair guess would be that it was taken out of season, wounded on the public lands next door and then tracked on to our property. By no means the first carcass we've seen around here from an out-of-season hunt.

In the old days, when the king was the government, poaching on the king's land could be punished by death. We're kinder and gentler now, but I see nothing wrong with poachers losing their firearms permissions in an administrative action. Maybe even for life. Losing hunting licenses obviously doesn't matter to them, but maybe risking gun access will make them think twice, if the prospect for being caught a second time is a trip to prison. Of course the bleeding hearts at the NRA will claim this is far to severe a sanction, and yes it would never happen. But I spend a lot of time year round on that public land, and there isn't a trail sign on it that hasn't been used for target practice. Say what you will about the tree-huggers, but they seem to wear less on the public lands.
A citation would be appropriate here regarding your claim of NRA support of criminals using firearms in the commission of any crime. It is my understanding that the NRA vigorously supports game management and strict enforcement of game laws and has for over the last 135+ years. If you could provide me with such I would be happy to defer my judgement of your claim as that of a troll or an imbecile.