One of my maintenance contracts is a large over 55 condo community. No Pets and over 55 is the rule .... and in fact in the deed and signed by purchaser.

The over 55 part isn't difficult to maintain ..... but it would seem that 50% of SW Florida can't survive without a "service dog" . And so all those poor residents that moved into these places because it was no kids / no pets have to deal with the yapping and barking and the expense because I charge heavy to send someone out to clean dog xxxx up of the elevator floors and hallways....because all their neighbors need that "service" dog.

recently at the grocery store a woman barked at me becuase I gave a sour look at her dog sitting in the shopping cart ...

"You got a problem with this?" ... she aggressively asked

" I do" ... I replied ... " tomorrow I'll be back in here and putting my food where your dogs ass has been "

Dogs are nice... but they belong at home. If you can't spend 20 minutes out in a public place like a grocery store with out a dog then you belong at home too... and under care. If you can't survive with out a "calming" animal then don' t move into a place that requires no pets .... or work someplace where you think you need to bring one