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    Grew up in the 50's graduated H.S 1968.Taught public school senior high social studies, coached varsity football for 18 yrs. quit coaching 2001 retired from teaching 2011.Saw this societal change years before we got to this point today. All began when the state issued a Student Bill of Rights . I saw the change in many of my students, taught mostly seniors. There was a growing inability for many of them to deal with or overcome adversity. They would simply quit and give up, and blame everyone or thing for their failure. Saw the change in many of the parents who went from being self sufficient, and disciplinarians to enablers of poor behavior. Got to be we as teachers had to be careful of what we said or did because someones self esteem would be crippled. The parental call to the principal or superintendant was the surprise that awaited us at morning checkin. Guns are an easy target. No one wants to spend the time,effort, or money to get to the root of the problem of why kids are killing kids. No one wants to hold parents, kids, or society accountable or responsible for their actions, or inaction. That takes courage to tell people the truth. I know this is long, but here is an anecdote from my younger days. I remember as if it was yesterday.I was in fourth grade and the family was eating supper. I said to my Dad "dad the older boys are picking on us at recess after lunch" He said"FIGHT BACK" that was it. No phone calls to school. Taught my two daughters the same thing. Never had a problem with anyone bullying them. Thanks for letting me vent. NRA PATRON MEMBER

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Dallas, TX metro.. formerly Phoenix metro, AZ


    I don't know about all of the other 49 states, but when I USED to live in MN, around 1980 all of the funding was cut for mental hospitals. If I am not mistaken, they either cut it way back or even closed the one in St. Peter, MN and Faribault, MN (both of those were south and south west of the twin cities).
    I grew up next to a family that had 11 kids. They had a pair of twins. One of them went into the army and got bit by a snake at Ft. Hood, TX and he DIED. His twin brother (can't remember if he went into the army or not) but he got into dope. He was in St. Peter for a while and they turned him loose. Well, about the 2nd weekend home he stabbed his sisters fiance. His older brother, who was a friend of mine went looking for him and found him and turned him over to the "legal system". He was in and out of mental places but only short term. I don't know if he is in prison now or not.
    But the POINT IS. the various gov'ts as in FED, STATE, etc, think they are going to SAVE MONEY when they turn these people loose. So tell me,
    where did you save the money? WHO paid to get the fiance stitched up? WHO is paying for incarcerating these people in prisons? HOW much MONEY did we save??? How about ZERO! and all we got is more problems.
    I tried to help a high school buddy years ago who was NOT insane but he had an IQ of about 85 !! He would work real hard. But you could not get him to wrench on a car. He'd either not turn the bolt tight enough, or he'd twist the darned thing off. I knew he could fix a toilet, put in a wax seal and paint. I hired him to be a caretaker of an 11 unit building, and I had to do the hardest thing I had to do, and that was FIRE and EVICT him as he was SCARING all of the renters away, some of whom had been in that building 30 years! We got him to a shrink on our own nickle, another high school friend got it all set up. He got down to ONE PILL and he was so "normal" he got married and lived happily for about 3 years. One day, he decided he no longer needed this pill. Then poof, his marriage ended, everything ended, and he ended up in some public housing. BTW... this guy also had a severe case of PTSD from nam. I knew him before and after and the VA had him on about 40 pills before we got him fixed up. THANKFULLY he DIED!! I've prayed for him many times and I hope the good Lord has him but I don't know if he was smart enough to ask the Lord for forgiveness. I told him many times.
    You can't FIX mentally ill people !!!!!!!!!!!! So why turn them loose on society?

  3. #33


    I would be very surprised if you saw any changes in laws at the Federal level, even after this one. If anything changes at all, it's just regulatory clean-up, like the military reporting dishonerable discharges to NICS. New legislation signed into law? I don't see it happening.
    Last edited by togor; 02-19-2018 at 12:13.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    I would be very surprised if you saw any changes in laws at the Federal level, even after this one. If anything changes at all, it's just regulatory clean-up, like the military reporting dishonerable discharges to NICS. New legislation signed into law? I don't see it happening.
    State voter initiatives are what concerns me the most.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadkingtrax View Post
    State voter initiatives are what concerns me the most.
    You'd better be concerned: "The children," with all their "NRA=Murder" signs, and other expressions of logical-reasoning & deep-thinking, have said they'll be descending on Florida's capital right away--the warm-up for their planned Million Teeny Bopper March on DC later in the year.

    And even legislators friendly to the "gun-lobby" (that is, you & me) will find it hard to put them in their place, exactly as it is when they're confronted by hostile women & minorities, because PC demands that such groups be given a pass for outrageous conduct not tolerated among white males.

  6. Default

    In no other nation on earth have children witnessed as much of this in their schools.... and certainly in no other nation on earth would those children be ridiculed for their points of view after the carnage they witnessed .... like the ridicule they've received from frightened people on Culvers Political forum ...

    .... thats the way of the land ..... so... what anti gun tidal wave ? ..... we all aquired more firearms under 8 yrs of Obama than ever before in history ....

    and now.... we are going to have an anti gun tidal wave. ?

    nope... we are gonna sit on our hands and do f" all .... and not give a thought to the fact that all those kids that have witnessed this..... will be old enough to vote next election ...

    we failed... plain and simple ... they are going to show us whats what .... enjoy the toys while you can

  7. #37


    I think a fair question that should be asked is: "What about the changes in our society?"
    AR-15s have been on the civilian market since 1964 - 54 years. M-1 carbines were certainly available 10 years before that. So what's happened in American Society to make the MORAL BARRIER to killing innocent people fall so far? I personally think this is the larger issue...

    But don't expect the idiots on TV to bother bringing that up.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by clintonhater View Post
    You'd better be concerned: "The children," with all their "NRA=Murder" signs, and other expressions of logical-reasoning & deep-thinking, have said they'll be descending on Florida's capital right away--the warm-up for their planned Million Teeny Bopper March on DC later in the year.

    And even legislators friendly to the "gun-lobby" (that is, you & me) will find it hard to put them in their place, exactly as it is when they're confronted by hostile women & minorities, because PC demands that such groups be given a pass for outrageous conduct not tolerated among white males.
    I called it. The screaming kids on the CNN mic are going to be the most influential and emotionally driven response. We are ingrained to protect children, like a bunch of buffalos pushing the young into the middle. Hard to fight our human nature.

    How do we proactively counter this new youth inspired false dichotomy in the news?

  9. #39


    Especially when it was one of their own that did the crime...

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Griff Murphey View Post
    Especially when it was one of their own that did the crime...
    I'm sorry Sir ... but thats passing the buck ..

    it wasn't one of "their own" at all.... it was one of "our own"

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