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  1. #21


    The leftists can't miss the opportunity but nothing will come of it. First, the guy bought legally not for lack of laws but for lack of the government properly populating their beloved database. I believe that's been the case the last two times. Not one of these shootings would have been stopped by putting more laws on the law abiding. Funny how people bent on murder aren't particularly impressed by breaking gun laws too.

    That said I am happy to finally see people addressing the real problem, mental illness. That one is a real sticky wicket. I have no idea how to deal with it without trampling all over civil rights, which is probably why everyone would rather attack the tool than the one who wields it.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by SysAd View Post
    The leftists can't miss the opportunity but nothing will come of it. First, the guy bought legally not for lack of laws but for lack of the government properly populating their beloved database. I believe that's been the case the last two times. Not one of these shootings would have been stopped by putting more laws on the law abiding. Funny how people bent on murder aren't particularly impressed by breaking gun laws too.

    That said I am happy to finally see people addressing the real problem, mental illness. That one is a real sticky wicket. I have no idea how to deal with it without trampling all over civil rights, which is probably why everyone would rather attack the tool than the one who wields it.
    Fully agree and since this has come up before it will probably be the next gun related law that gets passed. But, this won't change a thing. Someone who desires to commit a crime with a gun will do so regardless. If they are banned from buying they can buy from an individual or steal one including from police vehicles. Parents seem to be aiding the cause as well by not keeping their guns locked up and properly raising their offspring.

    If such a law is passed on being mentally fit there will have to be hard line goals to meet that criteria otherwise our government authorities will just claim that no citizen is mentally fit to own a weapon. That "privilege" would only be for cops, military and criminals.

    Bleeding heart liberal judges that would otherwise state that being mentally challenged does not prevent them the freedoms of our constitution will suddenly disappear from the face of the earth.
    Last edited by Allen; 02-17-2018 at 10:58.

  3. #23


    All I know is, that once the Demorats regain power.... and they eventually will... the pendulum will swing the other way, and when that happens....... we are done.
    He who beats his sword into a plowshare, will soon be plowing for somebody else!

  4. #24
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    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    You guys give up too easy do what I have done in a rational way. First off don't let them use emotion, use a common sense non-emotional approach. FBI knew a month in advance and did nothing, cops were called to the home 39 times and nothing done. School officials knew and did nothing! Ask the "other side" for an explanation for the "nothing" approach. Ask how ANY new law would have stopped him if nothing had been done by authorities. Once we are sucked into an emotional tirade of theirs we cannot prevail, don't go there! Ask instead that money be set aside to treat those with mental illness, not just brushed aside. I saw money taken from the mentally ill, money for medications to keep them stable, correct length of time in a mental hospital for treatment with medications to treat the illness. Money for the truly sick and maimed of mind, hearing voices that never stop, mood swings that never quit, depression so low that the under side of a snakes belly can be seen by them, watching people stare off into space with no one home...hearing the cry of a little girl asking for her mommy and the little girl in reality is 69 years old. The plight of the truly mentally ill will break your heart and your soul.

  5. Default

    Bunch of stuff going on with mass shootings that needs to be addressed. In the recent case it appears there was ample warning that the shooter was off his rocker yet no one took any action.
    As far as the AR 15 goes the only thing that seperates it from a "socially acceptable" semi auto is the high capacity mags.

  6. #26


    Keep in mind the FBI gets hundreds of calls daily from "concerned" people. Most are the result of either vengeance or overactive imaginations. They can't send in the troops until after a pattern has been cross referenced and established.
    Locals can't do anything until AFTER a law has been broken. They have a tough enough time with the normal grind and can't be chasing down people for interviews all week long. That having been said, there were 39 previous complaints at the local level. What type of complaints? Worth assigning a detective to him, or simply think of him as a local trouble maker? The kind LEO's get sick and tired of having to deal with. They probably have more complaints in trailer parks and bars every week than this kid did.

    Drugs. So long as they're FDA approved and be labeled as non-addictive everything is sweet. Non-addictive by what standards exactly? Give someone chemicals to reroute neuro paths by triggering different receptors and the personality changes. For how long? Try something different until the brain starts looking for something else?
    What if the individual doesn't like being indifferent to everything, blasé, not happy about anything, no real feelings, unconcerned daily. So, they miss a few meds and the mind goes haywire looking for chemicals no longer there.
    This is supposed to be a cure? Too many people like to think so. So many people took psych courses in the 70's and 80's they had to create a market so all who hung out a shingle could earn an income. These are the people who are called 'Experts' on things of the mind. Yet any decent neurologist will tell you in all honesty that they only know a minute fraction about how our brains work.

    Who is at fault? Voodoo shrinks and their drugs, or the gun?
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminvirginia View Post
    As far as the AR 15 goes the only thing that seperates it from a "socially acceptable" semi auto is the high capacity mags.
    Don't be so sure about that! A few anti-gun fanatics seem FINALLY to have grasped the distinction between full & semi-auto--an awesome mental accomplishment for most of them! Consequently, they are now condemning semis too!

  8. Default

    I think one of the reasons the left is pushing gun control so hard after this Florida incident is that it shows how their policies are failing. The "everyone is ok" type of attitude, etc.
    How come this type of thing didnt happen decades ago?

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminvirginia View Post
    I think one of the reasons the left is pushing gun control so hard after this Florida incident is that it shows how their policies are failing. The "everyone is ok" type of attitude, etc.
    How come this type of thing didnt happen decades ago?
    School killings ae nothing new, I am not discounting what has happened now but it is small compared to what has happened in America's past. Anti-Americans [including our home grown NSAWP] want to use this to continue to take down America to the 3rd world status that Barry and Hillary unsuccessfully tried. Now they are using victimized children for their George Soros's funded idea of THE NEW WORLD ORDER. One of Soros shell corporations/charities most likely will fund any walk on D.C. Soros, a Jew, profited off the death of other Jews with the German NSDAP. Now he is working with the American NSAWP to the same end. His kind and his followers will use the death of millions to further their cause.

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by S.A. Boggs View Post
    Anti-Americans [including our home grown NSAWP] want to use this to continue to take down America to the 3rd world status that Barry and Hillary unsuccessfully tried.
    Tried? Just because the blood loss has slowed, they are still chopping away. The only reason they appeared to have slowed for a second was to target more points to attack.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

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