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Thread: Any opinions on the expected antigun tidal wave?

  1. #61


    One common thread in the three school shootings below college level that everyone talks about is that in each case the killers were under 21. Harris and Klebold were 17 and 18, Adam Lanza, who stole his gun from his mother, was 20, and Cruz was 19.

    The two college shootings (Virginia Tech and Umpqua College) were done by a 22 year old and a 26 year old.

    Clearly we are dealing with a new breed of youth much more likely to launch these type of attacks.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Douglas, MA


    Of course, The high school kids are in high school, hense their age is high school age. The kids in college are college age. Makes sense to me.

  3. #63


    Griff, back to your original question, I think the American tradition is to look to an interest group to help police itself. Kinda like the Taylor Grazing Act and the Grazing Committees. I raised the question once myself and did not , aaah, find much interest on this list. I don't see the NRA doing anything but dig in its heels and throw money at Republicans running for office.

    There may be some kind of federal law, but the real action will be at the state level. A lot of states will ban semi-autos with a magazine over 5 shots, or ban semi-autos completely, or require licensing aND registration. Meanwhile there are tens of millions of those guns out there, just counting ARs, SKSes and AKs. The toothpaste is already out of the tube. There might be agitation for a federal buyback, but that would have to be a couple thou per gun to get owners to part with their iron. Mass confiscation at any level of government won't get past the Heller decision and any attempt at it would get hit with an injunction.

    I've got a houseful of guns but no semi-auto. Maybe a .22 for grouse if I found one I liked. Maybe an M-1 ...


  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by jon_norstog View Post
    Griff, back to your original question, I think the American tradition is to look to an interest group to help police itself. Kinda like the Taylor Grazing Act and the Grazing Committees. I raised the question once myself and did not , aaah, find much interest on this list. I don't see the NRA doing anything but dig in its heels and throw money at Republicans running for office.

    There may be some kind of federal law, but the real action will be at the state level. A lot of states will ban semi-autos with a magazine over 5 shots, or ban semi-autos completely, or require licensing aND registration. Meanwhile there are tens of millions of those guns out there, just counting ARs, SKSes and AKs. The toothpaste is already out of the tube. There might be agitation for a federal buyback, but that would have to be a couple thou per gun to get owners to part with their iron. Mass confiscation at any level of government won't get past the Heller decision and any attempt at it would get hit with an injunction.

    I've got a houseful of guns but no semi-auto. Maybe a .22 for grouse if I found one I liked. Maybe an M-1 ...

    I have the utmost respect for you; I do detect little tinge of "I don't own any so it's not my problem." The Washington Navy Yard shootings were done basically with a duck gun, likely so were the Aurora movies theater shootings as Holmes' AR-15 jammed with his 100 rd. drum mag; although AFAIK the full post event details have never emerged. I think a Winchester 92 would be equally a great "assault" weapon for a horrific murder, let us not forget Whitman killed 34 with bolt action sporting rifles. And... the vast majority of murders in America are done with handguns. The idea that confiscation (even if it were to be possible which it is, as you say, NOT...) would prevent all mass killings is just plain ludicrous, I'm with you on that.
    15 Australian backpackers were killed by arson in 2015. They still have massacres, look up Australian massacres on google.
    For years when I hunted turkeys with my AR-15, I used a blocked 5 rd. mag; not to be more "sporting," but to ensure deliberate fire. Now that we sometimes see hogs I usually put 7-8 in a 20 rd. mag. No sense in carrying unnecessary weight.

  5. Default

    We will see a lot of use and abuse of "psychiatry", "gun violence restraining orders", etc. All attempts to eliminate the idea that the 2A confers a right.

  6. #66
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    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by jon_norstog View Post
    Griff, back to your original question, I think the American tradition is to look to an interest group to help police itself. Kinda like the Taylor Grazing Act and the Grazing Committees. I raised the question once myself and did not , aaah, find much interest on this list. I don't see the NRA doing anything but dig in its heels and throw money at Republicans running for office.

    There may be some kind of federal law, but the real action will be at the state level. A lot of states will ban semi-autos with a magazine over 5 shots, or ban semi-autos completely, or require licensing aND registration. Meanwhile there are tens of millions of those guns out there, just counting ARs, SKSes and AKs. The toothpaste is already out of the tube. There might be agitation for a federal buyback, but that would have to be a couple thou per gun to get owners to part with their iron. Mass confiscation at any level of government won't get past the Heller decision and any attempt at it would get hit with an injunction.

    I've got a houseful of guns but no semi-auto. Maybe a .22 for grouse if I found one I liked. Maybe an M-1 ...

    If we don't stand together we will surely hang separately but hang we will. I have no use for the bump stock but I don't want to see them banned. I have seen guys hold rifles loose or put a stout rubber band on them and simulate fire. 45 years ago telescopic sight were "snipers" tools for killing people so it goes on and on. National Socialists are like water always trying to find a crack in the wall to come in and destroy the wall.

  7. #67


    I don't favor a ban but articles like this lay an objective foundation from which the banners can work.

    News of the short range lethality of M193 brings no surprise to anyone here. Shot placement doesn't matter nearly as much as with a handgun.

  8. Default

    This was allowed to happen by the FB! and media to get the the focus off the Russian investication going sour

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Maine coast.


    This anti-gun thing against the AR -15 is certainly the gun haters field day. They could not wait to jump on the bandwagon to outlaw them and the media is supportive in its help. What is happening is changes in our culture and society are bringing out the nut jobs and giving them the courage to act out their hate. Those who cannot see the changes in of society have their heads in the sand. What with the proliferation of social media there is people with mental illness who are encouraged to do things that would not have happened 30-40 years ago. Guns are but one on many reasons why these acts of violence occur. Our society is overflowing with evil today in its music, videos and Internet. Without strong parental upbringing many kids are potential timebombs. As a nation we are in big trouble!

  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    I don't favor a ban but articles like this lay an objective foundation from which the banners can work.

    News of the short range lethality of M193 brings no surprise to anyone here. Shot placement doesn't matter nearly as much as with a handgun.
    ER physicians, probably few of whom hunt nowadays, see mostly handgun wounds. Most have no idea of the devastating wounds normal big game rifles make, compared to a .223.
    Last edited by Griff Murphey; 02-28-2018 at 02:22.

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