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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Phoenix AZ area
    Blog Entries

    Default December 7 a day that shall live in infamy

    Put out your flags today, cold or not so cold; today marks the beginning of the second world war for the United States.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Houston Metro


    Old Glory is always up at my house. Not many of us were around that day but I have been taught by my dad to never forget it just like I taught my kids to never forget 9/11.
    To Error Is Human To Forgive Is Not SAC Policy

  3. #3


    My flag is normally out as well. However I did remember to half mast it this morning. Usually I put up a 48 star flag on 12/7. Feeble excuse alert!: I was in a hurry and it was already snowing.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

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