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Thread: Irritated

  1. #1

    Default Irritated

    You will forgive me while I get something off my chest:

    I don't know how many years I have been here, maybe 15, maybe even more. I can not begin to repay everyone for what I have learned on Culver's shooting pages and I am grateful for all the folks I have met here.

    My issue is Facebook. Facebook is easy, it's easy to create discussion groups over there and it is easy to post photos over there. Discussion Groups are arising faster than my hairline is receding.

    Facebook was not even around when I started here on Culver's.

    They do not have the knowledge base we have here, I keep directing people here from facebook. Facebook has more experts than the heavens have stars. On a few happy occasions I have come into contact with some of our members out there in the wild facebook world.

    I don't like it.

    There. That's off my chest.

    "A man with a tractor and a chain saw has no excuses, nor does he need any"
    Me. "Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" Emerson "Consistency is the darling of those that stack wood or cast bullets" Me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Heading for Florida


    I do not even have a facebook account and refuse to get one.
    "Three people can keep a secret as long as two of them are dead" Mark Twain

  3. #3


    I have one but almost NEVER use it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    I belong to a couple but find it frustrating also. I only post on one long range shooting group. The milspec stuff was so off base I couldn’t even participate and I know just enough to be dangerous, but the crap on their is crazy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Dick Hosmer View Post
    I have one but almost NEVER use it.
    Same here. We have friends who I swear spend the whole day on facebook submitting worthless crap!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Phoenix AZ area
    Blog Entries


    And we have 'friends' here on this site who spend all day submitting worthless political crap. If you look at the 'new posts' all the action is on the 2nd Ammendment forum....This is a shooting sports website as the Major set up. I began here in '84 and learned lots from Gus Fisher, Hard Dog, the Major, and too many more to mention let alone remember. The Major died so he has an excuse; where did all the rest go? I believe the trolls have taken over, at lease we have the ability to 'block'

  7. Default

    Suckerberg is a big buddy of the Kenyan Bastard. Why give the NSA an even easier way to spy on you?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Oceanside, Ca


    Having worked for them back in the day, iIt isn't NSA spying on you. It's the liberals who run such websites. But I have to admit; The Obamassiah weaponized the ATF, IRS, DOJ and FBI.

    Question: Why are Democrats opposed to releasing the Committee report on the FISA warrant obtained by the FBI, utilizing "the Steele Dossier"? Aren't Democrats all about 'transparency'?
    "No man's life, liberty, or property is safe, while Congress is in session." Mark Twain

  9. Default

    Hi, What's Facebook? regards, Mike

  10. Default

    The NSA under Michael Hayden is not the NSA directed by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet’s creation.

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