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  1. #1

    Default bump fire stocks

    25 pages of bump fire stocks on gun broker, first listed was 1199.00 dollars, Bahahahahahah.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by noslack327 View Post
    25 pages of bump fire stocks on gun broker, first listed was 1199.00 dollars, Bahahahahahah.
    I remember 25+ years ago seeing a guy demonstrate a similar device made out of cardboard and some rubber bands. I don't remember any of the details and I have never examined one up close but I suspect that outlawing the devices themselves will be a waste of effort because they can be improvised fairly easily.

  3. #3
    leftyo Guest


    people are foolish. if you really feel the need for one, might take half an hour in the garage to make your own.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    London, Ontario


    "...cardboard and some rubber bands..." Takes a wooden match for an FN C1A1.
    "...outlawing the devices..." Makes it look like they're doing something. The issue is who will do it. The ATF makes law by regulation all the time.
    Spelling and grammar count!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Douglas, MA


    Bump fire stock:................................Piece of sh&t

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    In my 60+ years of handling firearms I've never seen the need for any such devise. I had plenty of trigger time in Vietnam to satisfy my 'full auto' feeling. As for rubber bands, yes that will work. You Tube shows plenty of ways to do it. Also, a thumb in your belt loop will work too. It won't hurt my feelings if those bump fire gizzmos are outlawed. Let the anti gunners feel like they are doing something great.

  7. #7


    I agree with all the above except for one thing.

    Let the anti gunners feel like they are doing something great.
    No. WE need to push for controls on the blasted contraptions. If you let them do it, they'll not only feel as though they have done something. They'll also think they "defeated the gun lobby and the NRA". They won't stop after that. We'll only escalate the fight. So, we need to do it. Makes us look respectable in the public eye and they won't know how to handle it.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by JB White View Post
    I agree with all the above except for one thing.

    No. WE need to push for controls on the blasted contraptions. If you let them do it, they'll not only feel as though they have done something. They'll also think they "defeated the gun lobby and the NRA". They won't stop after that. We'll only escalate the fight. So, we need to do it. Makes us look respectable in the public eye and they won't know how to handle it.
    SO true - failing to grasp the initiative, in the brief window that we have, would be STOOOPID. The item in question is piece of s**t, which was expressly designed to skirt an existing law, and for no other reason. Anyone who cannot grasp that is an idiot. And, please, spare me the domino theory - this is an item that we do NOT need, can afford to give up, and should not be part of the chain. We have all sorts of good and righteous grievances - this isn't one of them!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Oceanside, Ca


    I still think the original ATF "approval" of the bump-stock was a parting gift from King Barack's administration. They opened 8 years ago with "Fast and Furious". Both, I believe, had the same intent. Generate enough deaths and the general public would rise up in indignation and demand Congress "do something".

    On that note, I also believe the NRA took the right course. Congress didn't need to do anything. It should have been up to the ATF to quash the product under their classification and rule making authority.
    "No man's life, liberty, or property is safe, while Congress is in session." Mark Twain

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Dick Hosmer View Post
    SO true - failing to grasp the initiative, in the brief window that we have, would be STOOOPID. The item in question is piece of s**t, which was expressly designed to skirt an existing law, and for no other reason. Anyone who cannot grasp that is an idiot. And, please, spare me the domino theory - this is an item that we do NOT need, can afford to give up, and should not be part of the chain. We have all sorts of good and righteous grievances - this isn't one of them!
    How about "wrist brace" attachments. We all know what they are used for. Outlaw 'em!!! No Legitimate Sporting Purpose!!! While your at it, outlaw concert crowds. Slippery slope boys, slippery slope.
    Read, think, UNDERSTAND, comment

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