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Thread: American Flag

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Between the two Vancouvers


    There are some who don't follow the pack
    Apparently caught hell from his coach also.
    Last edited by BEAR; 09-25-2017 at 06:27.

  2. #12


    The Dallas ABC affiliate took a telephone poll at last night's ten o'clock news. 36 percent supported the NFL "It's ok to disrespect our Anthem and flag..." thing.

    64 pct. support President Trump's take!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Orangevale, CA


    The NFL could have stopped all this - these people are paid to perform. While performing you follow work requirements. So NFL could have said stand during the playing of the anthem or don't suit up. And if you don't suit up without a work acceptable excuse - you're fired.

    But they didn't - therefore it shows they are just as bad as so many other places - they are letting the inmates run the asylum. They are bowing to the god of politically correct sensitivity.

    What is nice is seeing them pay the price for it. They are more afraid of their product than their customers.

    Vote with your wallets gentlemen - it works


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    Football players are entertainers. They are no different from ballet dancers or rock singers. An entertainer who insults the fans is an entertainer who will lose money.

  5. #15


    I'm reminded of the motto of the OFC, reported to have been pronounced by the Duke's dying uncle.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA


    Quote Originally Posted by JB White View Post
    After today I'll NEVER watch a Pittsburgh Steelers game again. This irked me in a "Hanoi Jane" kind of way. If this trend continues I'll be boycotting the entire NFL which includes not wearing or using any product with any NFL logo, or endorsement.

    "We don't want to be involved...." is total BS. They chose their side and it isn't the side of Mr & Mrs America.
    Tomlin held a team meeting Saturday night and discovered that the united front the Steelers had the first two games against the protesters was crumbling and some of the players were going to protest. This severely divided the team which includes a war hero Al Valeneuva who had multiple tour of Afghanistan as an Army Ranger and was a recipient of the bronze star for bravery. Tomlin made the decision that the team would not participate in the national anthem instead of allowing some team members to protest causing further division and a distraction from the game. It obviously didn't work since they lost.

    Seattle's coach also didn't allow his team on the field until the anthem was played. Keeping the team off the field for the playing of the national anthem might be a sign of the times since it will deprive the millionaires who play a game for a living the chance to display their displeasure at the police for trying to do their job instead of trying to be a positive roll model for their brethren.

    The liberal owners are going along with the protests may be the worst possible thing that can happen to the NFL besides the concussion lawsuits. The silent majority as usual will have the final verdict as to whether to stay glued to the tv or do something else on Sunday. I didn't watch any Steeler games last year and none so far this year - AND I'M FROM PITTSBURGH!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    London, Ontario


    Millionaire arrested adolescents playing a children's game. Mind you, The Donald shouldn't be arguing with 'em either.
    "...and THEIR SPONSORS..."
    Anheuser-Busch makers of that stuff they call beer. There's no rice in beer. Kinda like to know how they got the horse to drink the stuff they double filter, twice too.
    Spelling and grammar count!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA


    Quote Originally Posted by Sunray View Post
    Millionaire arrested adolescents playing a children's game. Mind you, The Donald shouldn't be arguing with 'em either.
    "...and THEIR SPONSORS..."
    Anheuser-Busch makers of that stuff they call beer. There's no rice in beer. Kinda like to know how they got the horse to drink the stuff they double filter, twice too.
    Boycotting the NFL sponsors shouldn't be too difficult for me since the only one I currently deal with is Visa. If words alone don't get the league's attention, latest tv ratings for Sunday sure will. They showed a 10% drop compared to Sunday a year ago. Evidently, some fans have found other things to do. The cost of showing the sponsor's ads are based on the number of people watching the game. The NFL will have to pay some of that money back due to the lower ratings. The situation will be made worse if the sponsors see a corresponding dip in sales, suspect a boycott and start bailing out. The money the owners get from the tv package allows those huge salaries to exist. It can all be in danger unless the protests stop. Are the owners and protester smart enough to realize this?

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    Quote Originally Posted by Merc View Post
    Boycotting the NFL sponsors shouldn't be too difficult for me since the only one I currently deal with is Visa. If words alone don't get the league's attention, latest tv ratings for Sunday sure will. They showed a 10% drop compared to Sunday a year ago. Evidently, some fans have found other things to do. The cost of showing the sponsor's ads are based on the number of people watching the game. The NFL will have to pay some of that money back due to the lower ratings. The situation will be made worse if the sponsors see a corresponding dip in sales, suspect a boycott and start bailing out. The money the owners get from the tv package allows those huge salaries to exist. It can all be in danger unless the protests stop. Are the owners and protester smart enough to realize this?
    The most common sponsor of NFL games is Verizon, followed by Bud Light, McDonalds, IBM, Subway and Ford.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    I don't know if it was televised but it was reported that the Cincinnati Bengals all stood and locked arms during the anthem.

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