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Thread: American Flag

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    Can anyone verify that? If so, we should send them a thankyou.

  2. #22


    They played the Packers in Green Bay. I'll bet the Pack was out there on the field.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  3. #23


    Apparently there was quite a bit of kneeling, sitting, raising fists and locking of arms. From what I gather...which I don't really, the actions are mixed in meaning.
    I'd hold off on saying 'thanks' until we know for certain what was meant by it. After all it was "Hate Trump Weekend" on the left. So what solidarity were they displaying?
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Dallas, TX metro.. formerly Phoenix metro, AZ


    I see it as an INSULT to EVERY soldier and EVERY veteran. Reminds me of all those azzholes who harassed us when we came back from Vietnam. I got harassed right out of a job. I posted this out on the web in numerous places and I stand behind it (below)

    The only thing I can add to my commentary below is that the baseball players play with even SMALLER BALLS!! PUNKS, every one of em! Makes me wonder if the "golfers" are next!!

    FOLLIES is what I call ABC's (and the rest of the SLIMESTREAM MEDIA) version of "world news"
    According to those LIARS, 60 percent of the people agree with the NFL players and all that.
    I'd like to WRITE to the local RAG newspaper the Arizona REPUGNANT but I'm sure they'd EDIT my note to make 180 degrees opposite of what I mean or not publish it at all..

    Basically: To all the NFL players!
    you make what ?? 1 to 20 million and year and you are telling us how you are "deprived" ?
    TOO BAD. I've got news for you CLOWNS who play with LITTLE BALLS..... and are exorbitantly overpaid...
    The LOWEST PRIVATE in the US Military is much more of a PATRIOT then you PUNKS would ever be!
    TOO bad some of you PUNKS were not around in 1965 when you'd get DRAFTED when you were 18 and sent over seas and you made a whole $120 month (they had to promote you to PFC E-3 after a while to send you into the combat in Vietnam. I think that was maybe 1966 or 67. Before that you could go as a PVT E2 on your whole approx $90 a month plus $65 combat pay. An E1 was a Trainee in Basic Combat Training).
    TOO BAD you PUNKS never had to face the DRAFT!!
    FUNNY THING, even though I got sent into harms way twice (1965-66 to So Korea and 67-8 for Vietnam.... BTW... I signed up for Armored Europe as I fancied myself drinking fine German Beers and chasing fine German Frauleins......imagine that...I was politically incorrect even back then....grin)
    Even though both tours were considered a "hardship tour", I never considered myself as deprived!!!
    maybe hunted.....but not deprived!
    What a bunch of "SORRY PUNKS who PLAY with little BALLS"

    You can copy, cut and paste (NOT EDIT) as much as you want. SCREW the NFL and others who play with little BALLS!!

    Bob Schneider

    PS. CCing to myself so you "honest news media types" can't change it!!

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  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by Vern Humphrey View Post
    Can anyone verify that? If so, we should send them a thankyou.
    Here you go. Scroll down to the 2nd picture.

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by JB White View Post
    They played the Packers in Green Bay. I'll bet the Pack was out there on the field.
    Martellus Bennett, whose brother had a run in with the LVPD, sat. Two teammates sat with him. The rest of GB linked arms for unity. GB mgmt says it's a free country.

    NFL players have short careers in one of the most brutal occupations in existence. Contracts are not guaranteed, you can be cut at any time. The game is violent, often leaving those who play it affected for the rest of their lives. NFL locker rooms are also melting pots in a way that most of society isn't. Into the middle of this walks Trump with his usual subtlety.

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    Martellus Bennett, whose brother had a run in with the LVPD, sat. Two teammates sat with him. The rest of GB linked arms for unity. GB mgmt says it's a free country.

    NFL players have short careers in one of the most brutal occupations in existence. Contracts are not guaranteed, you can be cut at any time. The game is violent, often leaving those who play it affected for the rest of their lives. NFL locker rooms are also melting pots in a way that most of society isn't. Into the middle of this walks Trump with his usual subtlety.
    Really? Don't try to justify it. If any of us did something on that order to make our employers look bad we'd be out the door. The NFL isn't the only "melting pot" out there. This all started with one opinion based on revisionist history, misinformation, and racism. Now it's a trend and a very offensive one at that.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by JB White View Post
    Really? Don't try to justify it. If any of us did something on that order to make our employers look bad we'd be out the door. The NFL isn't the only "melting pot" out there. This all started with one opinion based on revisionist history, misinformation, and racism. Now it's a trend and a very offensive one at that.
    Read into my post what you like JB. But don't misrepresent what I wrote, because that's Red's job. I categorically did not say the NFL is the only melting pot. But for racial and geographic diversity it's tough to beat a pro sports locker room. The arm linking (since someone asked) was about a public display of unity in the face of outside events.

    And what am I not supposed to justify? Freedom of expression? Since when? They express their feelings, you express yours, we stop short of violence. I was taught that is how it works. No longer true? I sincerely hope not.
    Last edited by togor; 09-26-2017 at 05:36.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    NFL players have short careers in one of the most brutal occupations in existence. Contracts are not guaranteed, you can be cut at any time. The game is violent, often leaving those who play it affected for the rest of their lives.
    Boo-hoo, poor unfortunate SOBs! So were they tricked into signing those contracts, and compelled against their will to accept more dough in a few yrs than most of will see in a lifetime, or two? (Not to mention the fringe-benefit of all the knockout white sluts they can pound.)

    One of the most brutal occupations in existence? Wonder what the thousands of legless or armless or otherwise maimed Iraq & Afghan vets think about that.

    Trump did the country a service by making mindlessly sports-addicted America take note (I hope!) of the kind of pampered, overpaid SOBs their ticket prices have been supporting.

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