Saw the cancer specialist and had another scope done and got a surprise. I have two tumors and the scope showed them the size of...pimples and small ones @ that! After two biopsy's and numerous tests on my liver nothing except healthy tissue. The physician was having a hard time saying anything, he was puzzled @ my condition. Every question he asked regarding my cancer's was met with a no from me instead of a yes that he expected. You see all of my tests come back within normal parameters for a man of my age. I go back in 6 weeks for another look see and then go from there. As a devout Christian prayer and believing is what happened. He said that normally a person who has my type of cancer does not respond as I have and the only treatment is to make the patient comfortable until the end. The only thing I am now required to do is lose 60 lbs more to get down to my "ideal" weight for my age/frame. The other is that I need to start walking to get to 2 miles or more per day, this is the hard part due to my chemo therapy making my feet numb in some spots.