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Thread: Revolver vs. Pistol for CCW

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    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Revolver vs. Pistol for CCW

    This is not a revolver vs. pistol argument, it is what you can do with it that counts. For years I carried a HK USPC .40 with a laser. I carried it in a IWB holster or loose in my jeans pocket The problem was that being handicapped, I was never going to win a quick draw contest. Somebody asked me could I shoot the HK while it was still in my jeans pocket. So, I tried it and yes you can fire one round... but that is about it. I bought a S&W 838 .38 special and it will fire all 5 rounds while still in the pocket.

    What is best for you me not be the best for you. The little S&W in my jeans is a no brainer. I recently lost 50 pounds and had some jeans I was never going to wear again. I practiced with a 7 yard torso target. I can get 5 hits center mass and the pistol never leaves my pocket...

    The HK USPC is a world class pistol... The S&W 838 is just a reliable easy to carry piece.
    Last edited by RED; 07-20-2017 at 06:50.

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