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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    WheatRidge Colorado

    Default Given Up For Dead

    Bill Sloan 2003
    A very good book about the defence of Wake by Marines and civilians in 1941.
    I never had a clear idea of how that battle unfolded.
    The defenders were rough on the Japanese navy ships and landing forces and
    It seems they might have held the island til Fletcher showed up if they hadn't
    been ordered to surrender by commander(s) who lacked clear understanding of
    the situation.
    I recommend the book.

  2. #2


    Agree 100%. Sloan's other books on the Pacific War are equally as good. Looking forward to his latest book in June called "Their Backs Against the Sea". Battle for Saipan.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Appearances are often deceiving. The island was poorly prepared for what came. They never had any real ability to stand the japs off. Stinks. But the decision to pull back rather than rush in was in the long run the wisest. Waiting to get a crystal clear picture of what was what would almost certainly have ended up w/ a US carrier sunk... probably worse. The carrier would be needed for more important things. The US would win in the PTO. But it would take more than thrown together haphazard emergency responses. It would be a long slog to the finish. Battleships, etc., could be lost with no real consequence. Carriers were critical. They could not be thrown away. Sincerely. bruce.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

  4. Default

    True enough. Any body who has worn the uniform knows. they are expendable. We had to have the carriers.

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