Back in the day, when converting Misurp. rifles was the norm and not the Capital Offence it is now days. BronzePoints were a good choice because they fed from the magazine without deforming the tip. Lead tips, from the cup and core style bullets would deform badly. Still have several hundred in my stash. They still shoot hunting accurate. Bought them in the late 70s when Herter's (the Mitchell, S.D. store) was closing for about 3 bucks a box. Have also loaded them in 06 ammo to shoot in 03s and M1s. Like I said they feed well in Military guns. (For those of you that are younger, Herter's was to outdoor sporting goods, in the 50s, 60s, and 70s what Cabela's and Base Pro are now.) ( another semi-useless piece of trivia from an old guy with nothing better to do until the mud dries up and I can go shoot.) GB