Quote Originally Posted by PWC View Post
In my reply, I've since added "Remember them by voting for those that will honor them".

Surprised looks; yes...mostly lib Dems.
Thank. that will be my comeback from now on.
I have 3 Purple Hearts and have been "crippled" since then. I've dealt with the scammer v a for far too long. I got harassed out of my first job as a "baby killer". I took it OFF my resume (as a mechanical engineer draftsman etc) in 1972. I got out in Oct 69.
When someone says "thanks for your service" I NEVER feel comfortable about it. If the person saying it is another vet with his ball cap on then that is okay and we chit chat for a while. If it is a total stranger, I run through my mind "is this for real or is this azzhat doing it on their own "guilt trip".? I don't wear any veteran garb or hats. I do have a bumper sticker that is the "electric strawberry ....25th Inf Div patch) on my vehicle. Also got the disabled vet plates because they are FREE for the first time in my life (here in the great state of TX)
When I lived in MN, I had purple heart plates and a state trooper who was a fellow vet in the Vietnam Vets of America club told me to get rid of the plates and I'd quit getting pulled over all the time. This was around 1992 or so. I swapped them out and sure as he11 I quit getting pulled over. He told me most cops in MN figured you were a drunken bum that just came out of the legion and were an easy mark for a DWI.
The thanks are too little and far to late in my opinion.
Just leave me alone and don't screw with my "vets comp" that took me 48 years to get!!!!!!!! (and I didn't get it in MN either!!!)
Glad I left that schiddthole back in 05. I have NO desire to ever go back there and they didn't even honor my Tricare health Ins for all the years I worked and lived there. Skrew them!
As for all the vets here, WELCOME HOME and JOB well DONE! We did our task and the politicians secured DEFEAT from the jaws of VICTORY!!!