I recently acquired an early post-war FN Mauser sporting rifle at a local estate auction and it came equipped with a Lyman Alaskan 2-1/2X scope mounted in early style Weaver 7/8" rings. I have since replaced the scope with a more modern 2-1/2X-4-1/2X variable scope from my spare parts bin and I would like to sell the Lyman scope. I'm retired on Social Security and I'm hoping the proceeds of selling the scope will help cover part of the cost of the rifle.

I know the Alaskan scopes are popular for use on faux WW2 vintage sniper rifles and also can be considered marginally correct for use on M1D/M1C rifles. T am trying to determine a fair asking price for the Alaskan scope. A check of items on Ebay reveals asking pries from low $200.00 dollar range to high $700.00 dollars range. I would like to determine a fair realistic value.

The scope seems to be in very good shape with near perfect blued finish and it has clear and bright optics with a post and crosshair retical, Serial No. is 47241.
See attached PICs.
#6 FN Mauser N0. 6 Collage.jpgAlaskan collage.jpg

Anyone care to hazard a guess on value of the old scope? Any help greatly appreciated.