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Thread: Krag Restoration comlpete

  1. Default

    Nope don't see a line on the barrel on the rifle or the other barrel he did. I checked the barrels on the 3 muskets (16, 55, and 63) and I don't see anything either.

  2. #42


    didn't ask the question to start any problems just wanted to know if that was the norm. Bob may have had a collet slip or something. Will be sending new to me krag to be lined and will make sure there will be no outside marks because outside is nice but bore gone.

  3. #43


    Didn't think you did, but I'm really surprised that his final QC check didn't find it. Also, have NO idea why a simple reline would have an external line back on the barrel itself - worst I'd expect (and even that not from him) would be a trace on the muzzle or breech surface at the liner interface. Did you have him stretch the barrel or just reline it? Have you called this to his attention, and what was his response?

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Monroe, Louisiana


    Great restoration. Since the action was chrome plated I hoped they baked it after plating. One of the problems with chrome plating is "Hydrogen embrittlement" of the steel unless it is properly post treated after plating. I'm not certain how one would check for that.

    I also have a really nice Krag with a really rotten bore. I was not aware that it is possible to safely reline a rifle of this power but hot - damn! I can make a shooter out of the old soldier again. Tried to call Mr.Hoyt but the line is always busy. I suspect to be able to get any work done he has to take the phone off the hook. Any suggestions about how to contact him without interrupting his work? Is there a certain time that's best to call?

    Jerry Liles

  5. Default

    Jerry, not sure about the first question. I've shot the rifle and haven't had any issues. As far as contacting Bobby I call either early morning, lunch, or later in the day and I can get a hold of him. I know he does a lot of musket barrels (he's done 3 for me) so he possibly could be at a shoot or something for that too. I found his webpage once I think so maybe there is an email.

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