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    Another year's Krag hunt

    CWD is here in Arkansas. You sure want to test before you eat the deer meat, but can?t always be sure.

    Kragrifle 09-19-2024, 08:22 Go to last post

    Another year's Krag hunt

    Jon, always enjoy your posts detailing your hunts. Good Luck! Look forward to this years detailed adventure.

    JohnMOhio 09-19-2024, 07:27 Go to last post
    Bill in Texas

    Remington M1903 Originality

    I completely agree. It's a real bummer to find an otherwise correct Remington M1903 from the same month (5/42) that the 03A3 was authorized to be produced.

    Bill in Texas 09-19-2024, 06:59 Go to last post
    Johnny P

    Remington M1903 Originality

    For me the missing stock markings are a big hit. You can improve the stock by removing the glossy finish, but nothing to be done about the markings.

    Johnny P 09-19-2024, 06:36 Go to last post

    Do your Christmas shopping now

    Went to Walmart today and had trouble finding things due to so much stuff being rearranged to make way for the Christmas lights and ornaments.

    Allen 09-19-2024, 04:41 Go to last post