• garandeguy10

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    Is there a recommended procedure for reloading M82 blanks?

    My club had a retired Korean Marine passed and the Wake was held and there was Firing squad, for a 21 Salute.

    I was the standby as the

    jjrothWA 06-01-2024, 06:37 Go to last post

    My back yard

    Good thing you have your dogs to alert you if someone is on your property.

    You need some guinea's to alert your dogs. All the farmers here

    Allen 06-01-2024, 02:36 Go to last post
    S.A. Boggs

    My back yard

    I am just the reverse; I love my solitude and my trees. My cabin cannot be seen from the main road and little from our private road. The added

    S.A. Boggs 06-01-2024, 01:32 Go to last post

    My back yard

    While on the subject of ornate trees, I have a tree called Chinese Flame Tree. It is about 45' high and is very showy when it blooms and makes seeds.

    Allen 06-01-2024, 09:56 Go to last post

    WTB: used M1 gas cylinder

    I know you want a junked one and maybe one will come across. I suspect most of us in the past, when these things were plentiful and dirt cheap would

    Allen 06-01-2024, 09:01 Go to last post