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View Full Version : No more Heroes, just whiney illiterates ...

12-17-2023, 12:07
"This is the Army Mr Jones
no private rooms or telephones"

That old song is right and that's what annoys
the Gen Z brats. That Woman looks stupid and
if she wrote that message, she's also illiterate.


Let's hope we don't get into a scrap.

12-17-2023, 06:23

12-17-2023, 06:50


Phloating Phlasher
12-18-2023, 01:22
Well it IS the "Daily Fail" as many Brits call it to be fair.:eusa_boohoo:
But yes I can see that.
Its not new, But it IS far more widespread though.

Back in the early 80's I worked as a ship's photographer on Cruise ships. We worked for an independent company "Ocean Pictures, (Cruising) Ltd", not the shipping line, "Cunard". We had to wear a "uniform", pretty relaxed though, white pants, white shoes & "Color of the day" shirts that matched the line's color of the day, which rotated red, white, & blue. Other than that it was pretty much up to us. When on shore excursions & so on or at things like poolside events we could wear anything like shorts & Bermuda shirts. All of this was known before you joined the ship so you could purchase suitable items. White "Levis" were fine.

I got a new to the job assistant, replacing my old one who'd been promoted & given his own ship. On his first day he arrived & unpacked, then, instead of coming for the orientation, very informal a tour of the ship & facilities & visit with The Captain to introduce yourself. Unlike Star Trek" you don't "just wander on to the bridge".
We met the captain (actually the Ship's Master, a sort of Super Captain, he can actually override the company on nautical matters.)
The newby went off on a rant, in front of the bridge officers ON THE BRIDGE to the Captain.
& then left without being excused.
I was given this, neatly framed by The Captain! I still have a copy as a prized possession, & told to present it to the newbie.

Vern Humphrey
12-18-2023, 02:24
Some of what they say is true. There are members of the Armed forces on food stamps, and that is a disgrace to us!

12-18-2023, 03:30
The need for food stamps I lay at Biden's feet.

Vern Humphrey
12-18-2023, 03:44
The need for food stamps I lay at Biden's feet.

it's been that way a long time -- back to the '60s.

12-19-2023, 05:08
A big part of the problems with today's military is all the married losers who enlist because they get a package of family benefits that no civilian employer offers and for whom
"It's just a job." I saw a video on YouTube , showed a female E-5/Army, whining and crying because she's been assigned to Basic Training duties and "It takes her away from her children." And the singles are complaining that they get all the weekend duties.

12-19-2023, 05:44
I remember back when Bush started his Iraqi war. Those who were in the military reserves were called up. Many complained that they didn't want to serve because they just took the job for money and never expected to have to do anything. Some, who were on the payroll claimed it was against their religion to fight in a war.

Vern Humphrey
12-19-2023, 07:00
I remember back when Bush started his Iraqi war. Those who were in the military reserves were called up. Many complained that they didn't want to serve because they just took the job for money and never expected to have to do anything. Some, who were on the payroll claimed it was against their religion to fight in a war.

It is for this reason we have firing squads, as Lennie Slovik found out.

12-19-2023, 07:15
It is for this reason we have firing squads, as Lennie Slovik found out.

But they aren't used. If so our borders would be clear of invaders and our WH would be vacant.

Vern Humphrey
12-19-2023, 08:05
But they aren't used. If so our borders would be clear of invaders and our WH would be vacant.

The problem is the cost of ammunition.

12-19-2023, 08:17
The problem is the cost of ammunition.

I'm sure there would be an ample amount of us who would donate for the cause if only we could.

Vern Humphrey
12-19-2023, 09:20
I'm sure there would be an ample amount of us who would donate for the cause if only we could.

If we'd actually use it, I'd get a Dillon 550C and start cranking it out.

I have a friend, a retired colonel, who says when you turn 50 you should be issued a .45 and one box of ammo. It would be your duty to cleanse the gene pool. "You see some kid with a weird hairdo and a bone in his nose, BANG! Bad seed, bad seed."

12-19-2023, 09:38
I have a friend, a retired colonel, who says when you turn 50 you should be issued a .45 and one box of ammo. It would be your duty to cleanse the gene pool. "You see some kid with a weird hairdo and a bone in his nose, BANG! Bad seed, bad seed."

That would wake up the "woke".

Vern Humphrey
12-19-2023, 09:47
That would wake up the "woke".

The more I see of Wokeness, the more I agree with him.

12-21-2023, 09:34
The decision to fight Vietnam solely through expanding the active military and not mobilizing the reserves created problems which still haven't been fully resolved.
Conversely so much of the active military consists of people who are non-deployable-cadre of Basic and other training units, permanent party at installations-single mothers-that Uncle Same has become too reliant on reserve units.