View Full Version : Saturday coffee Sept. 2

09-02-2023, 05:41
Up @ 0430 courtesy of Flop Ears once again. :grommit: But that's fine. Away we went to the local pond to leave footprints. I looked for the pond beaver, but it was too dark to spot it. On the way home, I looked for signs of the balloon race people but still nobody around. Must have been cancelled for some reason.

Wifey's nephew from NY will stop by for a visit later today. He likes to look through my pile of bayonets and handle guns. If he wants to shoot, we'll drive out on a remote county road and murder a few beer cans which will also be a good time to check on this year's turk hatch. Season starts the 15th and runs into Jan. I likes me some wild turk! SW

Doc Sharptail
09-02-2023, 02:14
Upper 90's here today.
Will wait for the sun to drop a little before daily cycling.
Don't quite remember a Labour Day weekend being this warm in quite a while.
Scored some cheap 10 lb braid from the $ store.
Should spool some it up and give the walleye what for once it cools down a bit here.
Grouse opener's Friday next week. Not sure about getting out, but I'd love to try this year. They've had a good summer with a lot in the way of feed, and the Sharptails are probably gonna be heft once they're located.


Doc Sharptail

09-03-2023, 08:26
got up yesterday and shot a high power match,
brought the scorecards home, I have be voluntold to be the new Club Score Keeper, so I have to sort that stuff out and report the results here and there,

past guy gave me all the spreadsheets he was using, and I have till the next match to figure it out,

seems simple enough,

shot like crap, but not a crappy as the last match, so there was improvement, ( shooting at anylevel of profiency is truely persishable if you don't do it for 15+ yrs,,,,)

beautiful day as well,

gonna be hot as 2 mice fornicating in a wool sock the rest of the week tho

09-03-2023, 03:41
Recent experience (including today) tells me when the weather guesser sez 0% chance of rain, it really means 0% chance of an accurate forecast. But I'll take the rain!

Took wifey's visiting nephew out for Mex food last night - sounds like take away Chinese tonight. SW