View Full Version : Video of rescue of snowboarder buried in feet of snow

03-31-2023, 09:04
The video shows a skier working his way to dig out a buried snowboarder in deep snow at Mount Baker Ski Area in northwestern Washington.


03-31-2023, 06:00
After being rescued from a certain death he said "thank's for that, man".


04-01-2023, 01:28
Thank you. Yeah, no problem. That's what they all say. Some adrenalin, some putting your back in to it. From, are you alright, to, Jesus..and a pounding heart. Pure assed luck that he came along him. What is a tree well? I know an evergreen tree will restrict the fall of snow around it and it's base and make a "well". But I haven't seen one bury anyone, but I wasn't raised on the side of a mtn sloop. They make 'em bigger up there.

04-01-2023, 10:30
You figured out a tree well halfway. The hazard is that skiers fall into them headfirst and can't get out.