View Full Version : Parachutists on independence day.

10-21-2022, 01:56
It does not matter where this happened, it is still amazing. I hope nobody was seriously hurt.


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10-21-2022, 02:25
As far as the one crashing into the port-o-let, when you gotta go you gotta go. Still better than the parachute scene from "Top Secret" (the movie).

10-22-2022, 09:48
Anything that can happen will happen. There's loads of vids of people doing stupid things on the net. I don't watch them because it gives me bad dreams. When I was twelve we jumped off the roof of the garage, parachutist style. I've taken some falls, but so far not too much damage. I can say that but can I prove that? I have some spinal weirdness going on, but hey, I'm up in years anyway.
You don't want to go splat in front of people. If you can pull off a good save, well then you want to do that in front of people. Do you make any money at this kind of thing? Not much and I don't think you want to make a career of it. Musicians and BMX riders(which is riding a twelve year old's bike) commit suicide occasionally. They realize they have nothing else. Well, that's depressing. Real pros show off, get laid and move on.