View Full Version : DANGER UXB Again

09-15-2022, 06:40
I bought this series from eBay as recommended by Vern. The cost was $20.00 which included shipping. You get a set of 4 DVD's which contain 13 episodes each of which is about 45" long.

I cannot say enough good things about this purchase. The plots, the direction and the acting by Anthony Andrews are all superior.
I believe everyone on this board would enjoy watching these. My wife hates war movies but enjoys watching this series just as much as I do.

09-15-2022, 07:00
Thanks for the post. I've never heard of this.

09-16-2022, 03:21
Well remember the series when it aired on PBS. Very good. Sincerely. bruce.

Tom in N.J.
10-02-2022, 08:26
I VCR recorded the series when broadcast, in the 80's. Loaned the tapes to a friend. He moved , never saw them again. Brilliant show well acted and real life.