View Full Version : Not only ammo but targets

02-27-2021, 06:59
I just bailed out of a purchase of SR-1C NRA targets. They send me a message that delivery was going to take longer than expected. Now, we are a week further down the line(actually two wks). "We are experiencing ...." That means they aren't coming. And I'm sad about it. The plain ol' black bull on yellow paper was what I wanted. I don't need Shoot n See(I have a scope). I don't need nine different little bullseyes on a sheet of paper. I don't want to shoot paper Zombies. Look for targets. It's a fashion show.

02-27-2021, 07:42
I'm fortunate,

my club orders them once or twice a year, and I have a key to the Service Rifle shack, so just leave a couple bucks in a can and take what you need that day,

and there is a gunshow vendor that sells nothing but targets as well,

when they have gunshows,,,

02-28-2021, 02:53
I have been printing my own for years, had a part-time job that generated lots of waste paper, 8 1/2 x 11, have my master targets in sheet protectors, that job ended a year ago but I have hundreds left over. More recently experimenting with various colors, found a light tan works great.

02-28-2021, 09:34
I have tried making my own targets. I cut the bottom off a tuna can and spray painted some but it was messy. I found a bunch of big yellow stickers one time but they just disappeared in the sunlight. I sure am not going to print any on my printer $$$ Lord knows I have plenty of paper. The company I worked for changed their logo and threw out cases of paper.

02-28-2021, 11:33
I use paper plates they work great just mark the center bullseye in

02-28-2021, 12:48
It isn't just gun stuff. I have an AM-FM sterio receiver that's been on back order for over a year. Our old in the wall gas oven went to appliance heaven last month. the equivalent (there are some brands we won't buy) in stainless steel isn't available anywhere, and no stores around here know when they will be available.