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View Full Version : Private Policing

02-16-2021, 10:43
This is a step in the "Banana Republicization" of America.

The City of Detroit has gotten to the state that large areas are depopulated. The majority of the people remaining are too poor to pay taxes. This means the city doesn't have enough money to hire anything like adequate police and fire personnel. The combination of large uninhabited areas in poor parts of town and not enough law dogs has knocked response time into the dirt. A few years ago the Police Chief suggested that citizens arm themselves because the police weren't capable of performing their duties at even a minimal level.

There are still businesses in Detroit and there are still some toney neighborhoods. in the face of this system of near anarchy the business people and well off folks have hired their own police. This is the way stuff is done in many Latin American, Asian and African countries. Of course if you're poor, or even lower middle class you're pretty much SOL which is why the "Top Cop" suggested getting that gun and a CHL.

Texas actually had a similar system called the Contract Deputy Program in which unincorporated communities paid the local warlord to assign extra patrols to better off communities. I did and do bitterly resent this but since I'm now involuntarily in the city limits the contract deputies have gone away.

The video is what I suspect is the wave of the future for well off communities in high crime cities.


JB White
02-16-2021, 11:25
Detroit. Anarchy. Private police. I smell a RoboCop!

02-16-2021, 11:25
Very interesting post. There are many large cities which are already close to this point.