View Full Version : Capsized cargo ship with 4,200 cars is split open using an anchor chain

12-03-2020, 04:39
This is interesting..

Engineers are finally demolishing the boat, using an anchor chain to saw it into eight sections

A huge cargo ship carrying 4,200 cars has been split open with an anchor chain, more than a year after it capsized and was left stranded on the Georgia coast.

First glimpse inside a sunken cargo ship: 400ft anchor chain slices through the Golden Ray to reveal 4,200 Hyundai cars not seen since the vessel capsized last September off Brunswick, Georgia

The Golden Ray capsized near the Port of Brunswick in September 2019, with 4,000 cars onboard

A giant floating crane is lifting up parts of the dismantled ship before they will be taken to Gulf coast


12-03-2020, 11:33
OK, that photo of the ship while she was still unloading normally, and upright (barely).... who thought "Oh, we're OK, here!"?

Johnny P
12-03-2020, 06:27
Some of those Hyundai's should be hitting Honest Abe's car lots before long.

12-04-2020, 11:45
Call: BR456

12-04-2020, 01:59
Call: BR456



Mark in Ottawa
12-04-2020, 06:40
What amazing insight that the authorities had to deduce that the ship turned over because it was loaded such that its center of gravity was too high. I am so impressed with their analysis. And here I had naively thought that that was something that marine officers were trained to do when they developed a loading plan.

Actually ships are a lot more dangerous than people think. I used to work for the Canadian Department of Transport's Marine and Ferry Branch. Over a five year period we lost: a rail car carrier that was on a rescue mission and sank when a rogue wave collapsed the rear loading door; A ferry that hit an iceberg off the coast of Labrador and sank; a coastal passenger / cargo boat that charted a previously uncharted rock the hard way (fortunately it had an ice strengthened double bottom and limped home, only to be scrapped) and a brand new ocean going fishing vessel that one of our ships T-boned and sank at the dock.

12-05-2020, 04:26
Interesting...Thanks Mark..