View Full Version : Brazil is covid hot spot with 15 percent deaths

07-27-2020, 02:28
About 180,000 cases and about 12,000 deaths. ((EDIT: THIS IS 6.7 % and NOT 15%))

Built a hospital on the interior field of a sports stadium, new cemeteries, lots of coffins.. dead health care workers....

Talked to my neighbor (OHIO) He and his whole family have had virus. About 10 people involved. Said he felt very bad for a few days, tapered off. but felt unwell for 3 weeks.

Over 100 vaccines in development. Apparently, vaccines not too effective re mucosa but do well with organs, lungs,muscle.Apparently, some 30 percent say they will not get the vaccination. This affects herd immunity.

Thank you Dick Mayward for pointing out my math error. Deaths are 6.7 % and not 15%. I apologise for this large error.

07-27-2020, 02:29
My B-I-L's family (MN) just got it. Two of them so far, starting with the college-age one. BIL is 5 days in and reports a new & different symptom every day.

07-30-2020, 02:05
Whether it is good news or bad news, we become used to it.Same with virus, it is an everyday thing. So many deaths- so what.

Still, I am astonished at the deniers, the will not wear a mask, will not get a vaccination (Although, I am still concerned about ignorance of injection technique), will not happen to me......

Dick Mayward
07-31-2020, 12:57
12,000 deaths out of 180,000 cases is 6.7 %.