View Full Version : My First IHC

08-07-2019, 07:05
I have never had a IHC Garand so I thought I should order one from the CMP while they can still be had. I sent my order first class postage last Monday (7/29/19) and received it today. It is a rack grade LEAD rebuild with a great SA barrel. It looks to be unissued since overhaul with new wood but the wood looks like it was used for ding training. New, tight and beat to heck. I expected to received much less a rifle and I am very happy with what I received, I would have been pleased to get it as a service grade. Sorry for the poor quality pics but it is all I had time for.



08-09-2019, 10:53
Well, according to their site, CMP Racks sold out in 2015. Fields are supposed to be IHCs. Don't think I'd worry too much either way. M1's are just plain fun to shoot. There's something about an M1 that no other battle rifle has too.

08-09-2019, 07:06
Congrats on the IHC. There is something special, at least to me, about a Harvester.

08-09-2019, 09:49
Thanks for pointing that out Sunray, it is indeed a field grade.