View Full Version : Blue finish on early 1903s

09-04-2018, 08:47
Has anyone ever been able to duplicate the bluing on early 1903 parts, for instance the middle stock band? Was this a rust blue or nitro blue? I've never attempted to refinish anything and I am usually opposed to it, but I have one part ( a middle band) I am considering re-bluing, if I can make it look right.

09-04-2018, 11:15
The M1903 has only two bands, upper and lower. I presume you mean the lower band. According to contemporary (1917) report, this was blued "in niter at 800 deg. F."

John Beard
09-05-2018, 08:36
Parashooter is correct. The lower band was niter blued. Some professional restorers have successfully duplicated the niter bluing process. The process is dangerous and toxic.

Good Luck!
