View Full Version : Step into my Wayback Machine - 1956

07-03-2018, 10:52
Many here remember 1956, I do. Many may have read about it in their high school history book if they got past the First World War.... Slides 1 thru 5

I found these advertisements on another site and thought you might like them. Have a happy, safe 4th and remember to toast absent comrades.

07-04-2018, 03:48
very nice sir. I can't stop looking at that ad for colt 1917 45 acp's. for 26.95. it's like internet porn. thanks for posting.

JB White
07-04-2018, 04:32
That $27 was a lot of money back when the average hourly wage was $1.75 to $2.25 per hour. You'd have to fill a few daily dime savers to buy the gun!

Vern Humphrey
07-04-2018, 08:42
Yeah -- and you could buy them by mail. I bought my first deer rifle, an M1917 Spanish Mauser for $16.00.

07-04-2018, 08:55
Yeah -- and you could buy them by mail. I bought my first deer rifle, an M1917 Spanish Mauser for $16.00.

It all ended shortly after JFK got blasted with a mail order Carcano. Yeah that really changed the world--no one since has been shot by a gun.

I remember those and similar ads running into the 60's. Some of those guns really aren't worth more now. It was a reminder of how most countries sold off their surplus weapons where as the U.S. destroyed them. Our tax dollars at work.

07-04-2018, 10:06
U.S. Federal minimum wage in 1956 was $1 per hour. Didn't get to $1.25 until 1963.
Illinois apparently had no “operative” minimum wage law until 1972. Currently, it's $8.25 per hour. The number of hours per week varied by occupation, but it averaged about 40.
"...It all ended shortly after JFK got..." Nope. Gun Control Act of 1968.

07-04-2018, 10:11
LIVING in NYC and ordered an Enfield from Penn. The mail. man left a notice and I picked it up the next day after school. No crimes or injuries occurred

JB White
07-04-2018, 11:56
U.S. Federal minimum wage in 1956 was $1 per hour. Didn't get to $1.25 until 1963.....

MINIMUM WAGE....try the average wage. You know, what most people with skills and an education brought home.

07-04-2018, 12:51
I got my 30-30 Winchester in the mail still have it carried it in the back window of my pickup even when i went to school. School always closed the first day of deer season.
Thank you for the memory with the pictures

07-04-2018, 02:07
$26.95 in 1956 dollars=$253.47 today. And the tax bite in 1956 was a LOT lower. You got to keep a LOT more of your paycheck.

07-04-2018, 04:33
$26.95 in 1956 dollars=$253.47 today. And the tax bite in 1956 was a LOT lower. You got to keep a LOT more of your paycheck.

Thats one reason many people have a tough time making ends meet now. Sure wages went up a lot but the price of many goods went up more. It will boil to a head some day and it could be a real mess.

07-04-2018, 06:00
In 1987 Daniel Patrick Moynihan wrote a book Family and Nation. He noted that in 1953 the first 3/4 of the average income was tax exempt, by 1987 only the first THIRD.

07-05-2018, 04:47
very nice sir. I can't stop looking at that ad for colt 1917 45 acp's. for 26.95. it's like internet porn. thanks for posting.

My grandfather had one, which I enjoyed shooting. Unfortunately, when my grandmother died he moved away and took it with him.

Clark Howard
07-05-2018, 05:05
I begged my Dad for a Webley Mk VI. I might as well have begged the moon. Regards, Clark

07-07-2018, 05:14
$26.95 in 1956 dollars=$253.47 today. And the tax bite in 1956 was a LOT lower. You got to keep a LOT more of your paycheck.

thank you sir for the economic update. do you know where I can buy any for $253.47?