View Full Version : Flipping the liberal script..............

Dan Shapiro
04-22-2018, 06:32
Wonder what the response from the left will be.

An overwhelming majority of board members in Effingham County, Illinois, decided to “flip the script” this week and declare itself a “sanctuary” for gun owners.

Effingham County State’s Attorney Bryan Kibler and board member David Campbell called a barrage of gun-control bills working their way through the Illinois House and Senate a clear signal that it’s time to “take a stand.”

The resolution reads: “If the Government of the State of Illinois shall infringe upon the inalienable rights granted by the Second Amendment, Effingham County shall become a ‘sanctuary county’ for all firearms.”

JB White
04-22-2018, 11:14
Effingham is a sparsely populated, mostly conservative county in south-central IL. They'll need to bring in some neighboring counties along with them before they make little more than a statement. I surely give them credit though. Someone had to be first.

Former Cav
04-22-2018, 12:22
Problem is the state can declare a "pre-emptive" state law can't they??