View Full Version : The Sound of Freedom

03-26-2018, 09:00
Oregon Air National Guard flies out of Portland Airport, maybe two miles from my house. They are flying F-15s! And they fly a lot, right over our house. Man it is LOUD! It has gotten more intense since they upped the numbr of flights, extended their hours and started training other countries' pilots. Near NE Portland is sort of a working class neighborhood that has avoided the gentrification that has hit so much of the city. So I guess it's a good place to let 'er rip. Still, I was surprised to see this billboard ...


My first thought was about who is spending money to rent billboards. Then I found an article in the Observer said it was just some guy in the neighborhood. Interesting story, the upshot is the Guard is going to fly those planes the way they like as long as their lease on the airport holds, which is another 47 years! I was afraid it might be some shadowy anti-military group stirring up trouble, but apparently it's just a local guy.


The planes make me want to howl like a moondog when they fly over, but I think I'll just be thankful they are there. However, I'd like to see them change their flight paths a bit so the fat cats in NW Portland can share the benefits.


03-26-2018, 09:38
shouldnt live next to an airport or airbase if you dont like airplane noise. not any different from the retards that move in next to a gun range and then complain about the noise.

03-27-2018, 01:27
Back in the day, the USN's East Coast Replacement Air Group, VF-101 (and other squadrons) were stationed at NAS Oceana in Virginia Beach. VA. Practice for night carrier landings was intense and consisted of hours of "bouncing," (touch and goes) at a outlying field named "Fentress." The Phantoms were unbelievably loud due to a system that directed air from the engines over the leading edge slats on the wings. They sounded like they were howling and it had to be a absolute nightmare for nearby residents. But, when the field was built there were no houses within a mile of the patterns and the developers managed to show the property in the daytime and somehow forgot to mention the night time activities. In my stint in the squadron we had 3 Phantoms that were struck by rifle fire.


03-27-2018, 05:48
Just be thankful that they're not making strafing runs on elementary schools like they do in New Jersey.

See link to news story.


03-27-2018, 07:27
Ohio's squirrel season started on Friday after Labor Day, when down to the Ohio power and on occasion got "strafed" by Ohio Air Guard F-4's.

one afternoon, caught sight of a F4 coming up behind me, as I was approaching crest of hill, lost sight of the plane , hit the brakes [abandoned haul road], partner and I piled out with out shotgun [unloaded] and gave the incoming pilot a "SHIVAREE"! He hard right, swung around and we gave him a "THUMBS UP!"

We got nailed by the rest of his flight, came in from the opposing 90 degree direction!

JB White
03-27-2018, 10:25
I've had a few nice experiences on the ground with fliers going over. A pair that come to mind:

Formation of ANG Hueys going over the neighborhood on weekends. Low enough to see faces. We always waved. Decided to get a chuckle so we borrowed some ladies gardening hats (looked like coolies) and lit roman candles towards them as they passed over. We ran around on the ground holding our beers while the door gunners pretended to shoot back. Those were loud on a sleepy weekend morning. Then again while returning later on. It got to the point where at times they would slow down to wave to the neighbors on a nice day.

Walleye fishing Castle Rock in WI. The A-10's would come in low over the lake. Warren, a former USAF WO stood up in his boat and saluted while we stood up in ours and teetered our arms. That was always worth a "good morning" wing rock. Those things were LOUD!

Thinking back I recall the sonic booms over Chicago. Enough to knock figurines and such off of shelves. Enough complaints that they had to stop super sonic flights over the metro area. Otherwise whenever I hear an unbridled military aircraft it only reminds me our boys are there for us.

03-27-2018, 11:08
This another case of stupid people buying a house near an airport then complaining about the noise? Mind you, all aircraft have FAA altitude minimums over urban areas. Even ANG aircraft, practicing to drop bombs on their own side, are supposed to follow those rules.
Kind of like to see an Ordinance Enforcement guy pull an F-15 driver over for excess noise though.

03-27-2018, 06:02
Guy claimed his brother was shuttling Skyraiders to Davis Monthan, used to see a radar trap over the crest of a mountain pass. Decided to give Smokey a flyby.

JimW in Ore
03-27-2018, 06:11
Jon, that has been going on for a long time. If it wasn't ANG, it was the commercial jets. Those people that buy near an airport and know it's there, then complain about the noise. I live in NE Portland and I hear the noise all the time. I just thank God they are there. Jim:1948:

03-27-2018, 11:31
I love the smell of JP 4 in the morning.

Clark Howard
03-28-2018, 06:24
I never heard a complaint concerning aircraft noise from those on the ground in a combat situation. Regards, Clark

03-28-2018, 07:39
shouldnt live next to an airport or airbase if you dont like airplane noise.

You can be many miles from an airport or airbase and still have the sound right over your head, if your head is unlucky enough to be under their flight path--as mine was before a SAC base FIFTY miles away was closed. Easy to dismiss this aggravation if you don't have to endure it.

If this country were the size, say, of Belgium, there'd be no alternative to training over population centers. But this country has the advantage of thousands of square miles in the West that are very sparsely populated.

So not surprising that City Council in Burlington, Vt. recently voted, on the basis of a public referendum, to ask the AF not to base a squadron of F-35s in their city, as is now planned.

03-28-2018, 08:17
You can be many miles from an airport or airbase and still have the sound right over your head, if your head is unlucky enough to be under their flight path--as mine was before a SAC base FIFTY miles away was closed. Easy to dismiss this aggravation if you don't have to endure it.

If this country were the size, say, of Belgium, there'd be no alternative to training over population centers. But this country has the advantage of thousands of square miles in the West that are very sparsely populated.

So not surprising that City Council in Burlington, Vt. recently voted, on the basis of a public referendum, to ask the AF not to base a squadron of F-35s in their city, as is now planned.

not dismissing anything, i have an airport close by. the problem is always those that move within a few miles and then think the airport, gun range, dragstrip that was there previously should accommodate them. now if they open a new airport after you are already there, then you have room to bitch and complain, but if it was there first, its on you.

03-28-2018, 08:51
not dismissing anything, i have an airport close by. the problem is always those that move within a few miles and then think the airport, gun range, dragstrip that was there previously should accommodate them.

I agree--as any reasonable person would! My gun club range was the subject of a complaint by someone who built a house in the immediate vicinity; city council told him the range had been there for 70+ yrs, so he had no justification in complaining. That, however, was one homeowner; had it been a large subdivision owned by a real-estate speculator with money for plenty of political payoffs & endless litigation, the outcome might have been different--as it has been for many ranges once located near big cities.

But the point I was making is that you don't have to buy property within sight of an airport, or even within the same city, to experience this kind of noise.

03-28-2018, 09:47
not dismissing anything, i have an airport close by. the problem is always those that move within a few miles and then think the airport, gun range, dragstrip that was there previously should accommodate them. now if they open a new airport after you are already there, then you have room to bitch and complain, but if it was there first, its on you.

That's in the common law. It's called "coming to the nuisance" and it means you have no complaint. It's when the nuisance comes to you that you have to speak right up or forever hold your peace. The jets were there before me, to some extent. A major increase in the nuisance could be seen as something new, or not. In any case the OANG seems to be laying kind of low until the controversy blows over, then they will get back to it. I've got ear protection if it gets too bad.


03-28-2018, 10:18
That's in the common law. It's called "coming to the nuisance" and it means you have no complaint.

Unfortunately, if it's the common law vs. big money & political influence (which can always be purchased!), not only the common law but common sense is overturned. As the suburbs around big cities expand, all sorts of traditional land uses are forced to give way--keeping chickens or goats in your back yard, for ex.

Griff Murphey
03-28-2018, 10:56
I’m close enough to ex-Carswell AFB now NAS Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth to hear Colors at 0800 and Taps at sunset. At night they often run up the 130’s of MAG-41 and the fighting 301st Fighter Wing USAFR sometimes does a squadron scramble. The loudest planes now are the new F-35s. Back in the day the 7th Bomb Wing would spool up an entire squadron of 52’s and they would reenact Dr. Strangelove - THAT was loud. We don’t get too many complaints as our economy depends on our old Convair bomber plant now Lockheed but we do from time to time hear this type of complaint. Noise was one of the reasons we lost the Fort Worth Rifle and Pistol club, next to Lockheed and NAS FW, which was louder. When the Blue Angels come to town they shake my roof tiles! I love it! I can usually watch a lot of the air show from my front porch.

Darreld Walton
03-29-2018, 04:05
My second base housing unit was just off the end of the runway at Malmstrom AFB. After a bit, I didn't notice the Canberra's and KC135's. What DID aggravate me was the "zzzzzt" that came over the TV and radio every time the radar antenna rotated over the house. Loudest plane, in my opinion, was the F105's that the 419th TFW USAFR was flying out of Hill AFB, especially while I was working day shift in bldg. 265 about 250 yards from the flight line. That is, until I finally got around an F35 for a bit. Geeze Louise, those are loud! Always loved the sound of a Merlin overhead, though......

GB in WY
03-31-2018, 11:55
That engine roar is the sound of freedom! I am darn glad that all most here have to complain about is jet noise. We could be in a hundred places in this world where the sound of a jet engine is followed by incoming!