View Full Version : Need Suggestions For Temperature/Humidity Monitoring Device For Gun Room

10-18-2017, 09:36
A few months ago I posted questions about storage of guns, web and leather gear in the gun room I built in our new home. I'm good on security - doors, locks etc. I have vents installed high and low to allow air circulation. But I want to be sure that I can monitor the temperature and humidity in the room. Can anyone suggest a specific brand of recording thermometer and humidity gauge, ideally in one package, that you have used successfully? I'm looking for something high quality to protect my investment, so I don't mind paying for something good that really works.

Thanks in advance.


10-22-2017, 04:34
I use one from Acurite.
I actually have one inside my gun safe and another on the outside in the same room.
They are relatively cheap.
https://www.weathershack.com/product/acurite-00613.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0q2p0LGF1wIVDjJpCh3WF AHIEAQYAyABEgL7Z_D_BwE

10-22-2017, 07:18
If the room is vented for A/C and heat, than get a good dehumidifier that can be programed. You will need to run a drain line for dehumidifier.

Jim in Salt Lake
10-24-2017, 10:13
You can use a cheap, small wireless weather station. The ones that monitor temp and humidity are pretty cheap and work well. My brother uses one to monitor humidity in a crawl space where he's had dry rot and termite problems.