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View Full Version : Things to look out for

10-06-2017, 03:36
Let me tell you about a couple of guys I've known in my life....

One is a guy I went to high school with named Buddy. Buddy was what a Lib would describe as a gun freak. Guns were all he talked about and he never hid the fact that he was "packing".

One afternoon Buddy picked up two carpenters in his taxi that felt they shouldn't drive home the bar . They were a bit belligerent as I understand and one of them leaned forward to poke Buddy on the shoulder as he went to pay......

Buddy was finally given ... he felt... the reason for carrying that gun all that time. He lept from his cab and ran to the front of it to put numerous rounds through the windshield killing the un armed man still sitting in the back seat...... Buddy was one of the first Rambo Wannabe's I ever knew... and he tried to get off with a plead of self defense.

The other guy is my brother. I have often witnissed him go through this very Kool procedure of checking out his carry firearm and back up ankle holster gun before taking the 11 year old daughter to a country town soccer field... or Disney on Ice. My brother is a Rambo wannbe personified and if you take a moment to listen to my brother you would likely recognize a fact....

... he anxiously awaits that moment when he can justify all those years of lugging around all that hardware ...

I gave up carrying years ago... and never renewed my carry permit. And I feel like a free man ....