View Full Version : Of uniforms and tank destroyers

05-26-2016, 08:04
Not like there were many interesting posts...

Hanging in the closet is a bag. Inside are some blue uniforms. They initially gave me two complete dress uniforms. As I rarely wore them every time I needed to change them, adding the fruit salad I found in my cereal bowl and whatnot, I I simply updated the one. Why bother doing both if I never wore them? So one of them now sits as I received it. The other sits as it was when I last drove off the base. If you ask me which one is original I guess it's the one I never updated. If you asked me which one is correct I'd say the other.

When the boys in green rolled into places Balkan a couple of decades ago they found some M36 tank destroyers. We'd given them to Tito to decorate his palace or something like that. When parts became hard to find much of that kind of stuff started receiving Soviet replacements. Engines, transmissions, etc., So the thing started life as an M4 Sherman. It was converted to an M36 during War 2. Then the Balkan dudes inserted T-55 engines. If you had it what would you do? Leave it as is? Revert it back to M36 format? Take it back to M4 format? Myself I'd revert it back to M36. Knowing I was removing history. So maybe take a picture of it before beginning surgery. Write up the history.

When a Krag left SA it left Basic. Then it served. Then it provided a cheap deer gun in the following decades. Not much different from those M36s in so many ways. I get taking them back to M36 format. Trying to take them back to M4 "as they left Michigan" format I really don't understand. It's erasing their service history. If I was to alter one of the uniforms in the closet the bare one would be updated.

I get it's not a direct analogy but the point remains: the service history is really, to most of us, what matters. I get that others have different interests and maybe like them as they left SA. Myself I generally leave them alone unless I'm going to turn them into art.

05-26-2016, 08:25
I don't know if you remember Kip Feiler, aka C.R.F. with his excellent rare 1903 variants. He said it was only original once. People that correct arms are free to do so I I don't mind if they do, but it's still a bastardized weapon. Enjoy the hobby how one sees fit.