View Full Version : Clyde Barrow's Krag

Griff Murphey
04-21-2013, 06:03
Just watching the Beatty-Dunnaway movie of BONNIE AND CLYDE and it caused me to scroll though some historic photos on the Internet and I was surprised to see him posing with a shotgun and a Krag... By the looks of it a full length rifle still in military condition. I wonder if anyone has heard anything about the use of the Krag in their hands? My guess is it was just a backup or for show, and never used, because I can hardly imagine a less useful firearm for crime.

04-21-2013, 09:08

I always understood the BAR was one of Clyde's most favorite guns but why would you consider a Krag a less than useful firearm for crime?

Clyde and his guns: http://texashideout.tripod.com/guns.html

04-22-2013, 08:15
I've seen those pictures too. The Krag probably came from the same place as Clyde's BARs. The gang liked to hit National Guard Armories. I can see the carbine being useful in some of the situations they found themselves in, but a rifle? Maybe someone in the gang just liked Krags.


Griff Murphey
04-22-2013, 03:29
One of the lawmen involved in the final shoot out/ambush, Hinton, called his Congressman and obtained a B.A.R. on loan from the Army, along with a "...back seat full of ammunition." Clyde's stolen BAR in the photo probably was not in the car when Bonnie and Clyde were killed

Texas Ranger Frank Hamer used a .35 Remington model 8 auto loader with a special "police only" (!) 20 rd. magazine purchased from Peace Officer Equipment of St. Joseph, Mo.

04-24-2013, 07:52
The heck with the BAR! I'll take the Ford he's standing in front of!

Rick B
04-24-2013, 05:04
Link to picture. Rick B

https://www.google.com/search?q=bonie+and+clyde&rlz=1C1GGGE_enUS362US370&aq=f&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=e3J4Ub6xKYPnqQGJyICgDw&biw=1680&bih=935&sei=fXJ4UbWCGYXbqQG5nYGgBw#imgrc=zZub2nlAd_RZ9M%3A %3BbrV8dWrR1nGvYM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fabcnews.go. com%252Fimages%252FUS%252Fht_bonnie_clyde_auction_ split_jp_120104_mn.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fabcnew s.go.com%252Ftopics%252Fnews%252Fbonnie-and-clyde.htm%3B320%3B240

Rick B
04-24-2013, 05:06
Better shot now that I found it. Rick B

https://www.google.com/search?q=clyde+barrow&rlz=1C1GGGE_enUS362US370&aq=0&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=U3N4UZHuBMrC4AOb04CgBA&biw=1680&bih=935&sei=VXN4UYPyApOrqQG1xIGoCg#imgrc=TVuIMU_IwuBJQM%3A %3BoNhvnMhku9i9-M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ftexashideout.tripod.com%252 Fcbrifles.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ftexashideout.tr ipod.com%252FFord.html%3B565%3B720

Johnny P
04-24-2013, 06:09

04-25-2013, 01:31
I thought he used a Colt Monitor.

04-27-2013, 04:15
why not a krag? look at clydes's hardwear. the man knew a good gun when he seen one.